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Our New Handyman Services Are Here!

We're excited to launch our new home maintenance service!

This program is designed to provide you with convenient and cost-effective access to our skilled handyman services throughout the year.


By subscribing, you'll enjoy a range of benefits, including:


  • A full day (8 hours) of handyman services annually. For example, items such as:

    • Adjusting doors

    • Replacing a faucet

    • Replacing light bulbs

    • Minor drywall repair

    • Touch up painting

    • Hanging a new light fixture

    • Replacing outlets and/or switches


  • In addition to the above, we will perform the following services on a quarterly basis:

    • Replace furnace filter(s)

    • Run the washing machine with a cleaning product to remove residues and clean out lint trap

    • Clean dishwasher filter

    • Clean garbage disposal

    • Lubricate interior and exterior door hinges


  •  In addition to the above, we will perform the following services on an annual basis:

    • Change the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and ensure proper operation

    • Check for under-sink leaks

    • Check for moisture build-up around windows with a moisture meter


The cost for the full day of handyman work as well as the quarterly and annual maintenance service visits throughout the year is $99 per month.


Interested in this service?

Subscribe by clicking on the button below and we will contact you to set up our first visit.



If you have any questions or need assistance with the sign-up process, please contact Tessa at We’ll be in touch within the first 2 weeks to schedule the first home visit! You are one step closer to a safe and well-maintained home!

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Terms of Service

Terms of Service: Annual Subscription-based Handyman and Maintenance Services

A full day (8 hours) of handyman services annually, for your specific household needs.


For example, items such as:

  • Adjusting doors

  • Replacing a faucet

  • Replacing light bulbs

  • Minor drywall repair

  • Touch up painting

  • Hanging a new light fixture

  • Replacing outlets and/or switches


In addition to the above, we will perform the following services on a quarterly basis:

  • Replace furnace filter(s)

  • Clean washing machine filter

  • Clean dishwasher filter

  • Clean garbage disposal

  • Lubricate interior and exterior door hinges


In addition to the above, we will perform the following services on an annual basis:

  • Change the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and ensure proper operation

  • Check for under-sink leaks

  • Check for moisture build-up around windows with a moisture meter

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